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One of the biggest telecommunication carrier in the world, who is extending their portfolio from triple into quad play. Besides Voice Call, Internet and IPTV, Smart Home will be the next revenue generator according to experts’ analysis. Our team took the responsibility to develop a gateway device, which should be compatible with mainstream radio protocols as well as provide possibilities to enable different manufactures (e. g. Miele, Samsung) to access to their own products in a secure and reliable way. As a conventional system cannot fulfil the requirements because of the complexity, a series of new technologies and concepts were applied and become market standard today. The team was challenged with different technical problems during the implementation, such as:
Comprehensive analysis and decision making among mainstream wireless protocols including ZigBee, Z-Wave, EnOcean, DECT-ULE, 6LoWPAN, KNC-RF, BidCos and Digitalstrom.
Virtualization of application layer via innovative software structure. This technology ensured the stability and flexibility, which made the business model possible.
Solving of interference problems for running four radio protocols concurrently
This product was commercialized in 2013 successfully.