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Virtue Home
Virtue Intelligence is aiming for a global technology firm and product house focused on serving and shaping the senior agenda of the world’s leading institutions. Combining deep understanding of the digitization megatrend with our broad industry and functional expertise, we help our clients identify and build the digital capabilities with end to end solutions. Our experienced teams have supported leading Fortune 500 clients in assessing the impact of the digitization trends on their value chains, determining how their strategies need to evolve in light of the digital ecosystem, and identifying the capabilities they need in order to outperform competitors. One more thing, Virtue Intelligence is heading not only for making, but also for transforming strategies. In cooperation with our global partners, we are able to help our clients implement the digitization in the most efficient way.


Our Services Portfolio

We offer the full spectrum of services to help organizations work better to ride on the coming wave of digitization. Everything from creating standards of excellence to training your people to work in more effective ways, assessing how you’re doing, and helping you perform even better in future. Very few others do this, and none have been doing it as long as we have.


Question: Virtue-Intellingence is still a small company. How can we trust you?

I like that way to ask questions. It seems that you have interest in working with us somehow. Every company grows from small into big. As all our team members worked for Fortune 100 before, we think, a big company is sometime not the best choice for fast developed industry. For digitization, a young, small and flexible team is much more efficient. That's why we create Virtue-Intelligence. To be honest, our team had served projects valued more than billion Euro and had never failed. It will be a better way to understand our capabilities in a special session. I think you will have a strong feeling whether you can trust us or not.

Question: Can you use a few word to summarize your main capabilities?

Our company mainly focus on four areas: Business Consulting, System Prototyping, Global Outsourcing and Cross Board M&A. That's to say, besides strategy we are able to accompany our clients to find solutions and implement them via outsourcing partners, thereby our clients can build up their own digital capabilities in a most efficient way. No matter what kind of ideas you have, we will turn them into reality – IDEAS INTO REALITY.

History of Success

Our team has achieved great successes with different projects. We have served not only Fortune 500, but also Midsize or Startups and help them to implement their own innovative solutions. We are happy to share our recent stories with you and give more inside views of our expertise and experiences. For detail information please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • Remote Diagnostic

    A well-known company in Europe, who provides professional IT solutions to business customers. The Project is focusing on aftermarket solution to connect existing vehicles, which are not connected yet by newest technologies. As the Company doesn’t have experience on hardware business, our team provided professional services to establish hardware capabilities in terms of Concept Design, Specification, […]

  • Smart Home

    One of the biggest telecommunication carrier in the world, who is extending their portfolio from triple into quad play. Besides Voice Call, Internet and IPTV, Smart Home will be the next revenue generator according to experts’ analysis. Our team took the responsibility to develop a gateway device, which should be compatible with mainstream radio protocols […]

  • MMS Picture Frame

    One of the major telecommunication carriers in Germany, who was on the way to promote MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) service: A new concept on picture frame was developed together, with that consumers can send their photos direct to picture frame via MMS service besides the conventional method via memory card. The picture frame owns a […]

  • Digital Bathroom

    A mid-size company, who has engaged in sanitary industry for long years. As the sanitary industry is facing new revolutions with digitalization, a new product line should be build up with high technologies. The challenge of the task is to combine mechanical, electrical and IT engineering into one product, which was not easy for a […]

  • Moving Access Point

    A leading IT company in Germany, who demanded a full-service Wi-Fi after-market solution for high-speed Internet in outdoor area. After an one-time registration and login, users are always online. Users benefit from a highly robust Internet connection with unlimited data and can surf at 4G speeds in the best mobile network. Unlike the way Wi-Fi works using routers, […]

  • Cross Board M&A

    One of the biggest telecommunication carrier in the world, who is working on extending its IT strategy in Asia. As the regulations of target market is very strict for foreign investors, it’s only possible to engage to the market in form of joint venture. Our team took the responsibility to evaluate the target market and to […]