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A leading IT company in Germany, who demanded a full-service Wi-Fi after-market solution for high-speed Internet in outdoor area. After an one-time registration and login, users are always online. Users benefit from a highly robust Internet connection with unlimited data and can surf at 4G speeds in the best mobile network. Unlike the way Wi-Fi works using routers, Internet access is not hardware-based, but user-based: Instead of having to enter a personal password again and again for each login, the user accounts are identical for all access points. Our team offered end-2-end delivery. During the development process we faced several challenges:
Robustness: The device must work reliably under tough working condition.
Complexity: The device must synchronized with administration backend over mobile network
This challenging project had been successfully accomplished within 12 months. We are very proud of this product, as it is the first real industry grade 4G product in the market.