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Five Guiding Principles | VIRTUE

Five Guiding Principles

Society’s base of information and knowledge is developing drastically. In order to accompany changes in customer behavior and support innovative development of digital technologies, Virtue Intelligence continuously puts itself to the test to further develop its vision and ambition. Corporate culture is a key factor in this development process and the Guiding Principles serve as the cornerstone that forms this culture. The company values were therefore enhanced to create the current Guiding Principles. They define how we behave and represent our values and beliefs. However, the Guiding Principles are not only meant for internal use, but also for dealing with external environment as well.

UnbenanntTrust between people can be built up over time and founded on the past actions of the other person, but it has to start somewhere. Initial trust is based on a positive outlook on humanity and the likelihood that the other person is a good example. Benevolence is this optimism applied to the other person.

Benevolence is a commitment to achieving the values derivable from life with other people in society, by recognizing their humanity, independence, and individuality, and the harmony between their interests and ours. It can be seen as optimism applied to other people and relationships. It does not consist of any particular set of actions, but a general good will towards others based on the benevolent universe premise.

Benevolence is the commitment to create trade and trading opportunities. Economic trade, exchange of knowledge, and mutual protection all require some level of trust between people. Opportunities for trade do not simple present themselves. They must be created through our own initiative. The world does not beat a path to our door; we must go out to meet it; we must extend ourselves. For example, if you are optimistic about other people and relationships, then perhaps you will treat a stranger like you would normally treat an acquaintance and an acquaintance like a friend. This broadcasts a friendly, non-hostile, attitude and a willingness to trade which is a prerequisite for peaceful interaction.

justiceRighteousness refers to justice, correctness and responsibility. That’s not only the guiding principle in economic relationship, but also the basic rule for daily business. It represents moral acumen which goes beyond simple rule following, and involves a balanced understanding of a situation. It represents the ideal of totality as well as a decision-generating ability to apply a virtue properly and appropriately in a situation.

In economic environment, Righteousness means a kind of sprit beyond individual benefits. In a simple way, profit-seeking is not the only target of our company. Social benefits and the moral righteousness is always the guideline of our business activites. Under this principle we are seeking the right way to benifit both the individual and the society.




japan_business_etiquette-940x329Propriety consists of the norms of proper social behavior, which shows repects to a certain kind of order. The influence of Propriety guided public expectations, such as the loyalty to superiors and respect for elders in the community, and promoted ideals such as filial piety, brotherliness, righteousness, good faith and loyalty.

Continuous with the emphasis on community, following Propriety included the internalization of action, which both yields the comforting feeling of tradition and allows one to become more open to foreign transitions and cultures.

In general, show respect to all things with good manners, the broad and the detailed, the good and the bad, the elder and the younger, the form and the formlessness.

WisdomWisdom is not only about intelligence, but can be understood as a highly developed appreciation for how things hang together, which values a synthesizing grasp of how things hang together above analysis, and which prefers not to push analysis further than needed to resolve issues arising in controversy

In addition, Wisdom means “to realize,” in the sense of having a robust kind of appreciation for the significance of something as a result of putting it into practice. In this respect, Wisdom can be obtained through reading, listening, thinking, observation, mistakes in the life.

The real man of wisdom shall not only be able to distinguish truth from falsehood, but also be rational and sane; he shall never get perplexed in front of profits or different paths. That is to say, the wisdom concerns not only one person’s ability and aptitude, but also his moral cultivation.

CredibilityCredibility refers to keeping one’s word and being faithful. Faithfulness requires people to keep their words according to the rules of courtesy with the hope of mitigating the conflicts in the ruling class and between the opposing classes. We held Credibility to be an indispensable virtue for a human being. Only a man of faithfulness would be appointed to some task, otherwise survival would be hardly possible.

Credibility is regarded as the core value for building and administrating a company. Our managers and employees should, first of all, win the faith of the colleagues, clients and partners before calling upon them. Only when we keep our words, would the company have a firm foundation for long term development.