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Who & where we are? | VIRTUE

Who & where we are?

Virtue Intelligence GmbH has its head office in Darmstadt, which is a city in the state of Hesse in Germany, located in the southern part of the Frankfurt Metropolitan Region. Darmstadt holds the official title "City of Science" as it is a major centre of scientific institutions, universities, and high-technology companies. The European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) is located in Darmstadt, as well as GSI Centre for Heavy Ion Research, where several chemical elements such as bohrium (1981), meitnerium (1982), hassium (1984), darmstadtium (1994), roentgenium (1994), and copernicium (1996) were discovered. The academical background of the city provides a good talent base for our long term development. As Darsmtadt is geographically in the center of Germany and about 20 minutes' drive from Frankfurt Interantional Airport. It's also a very convenient location for our international clients and partners.

Get in touch

You have interest in our services? Great, visit our office or contact us via telephone or email. We are happy to hear from you and to turn your ideals into reality.

Virtue Intelligence GmbH

  • Elisabethenstraße 55-57, 64283 Darmstadt
  • Telephone: +49 (0) 6151 3074402
  • PC-Fax: +49 (0) 321 21265490
  • Email: info@virtue-intelligence.com

09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 16:00