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Business Consulting | VIRTUE

Business Consulting

Thanks to digitization, companies across industries are racing to migrate "analog" approaches to customers, products, services, and operating models to an always-on, real-time, and information rich marketplace. Some leaders are redesigning their capabilities and operating models to take full advantage of digital technologies to keep step with the "connected" consumer and attract talent. Others are creating qualitatively new business models — and tremendous value — around disruptive digital opportunities. In doing so, these companies secure not only continued relevance, but also superior returns.

timthumb.phpBy the year 2020, an entire generation, Generation C (for “connected”), will have grown up in a primarily digital world. Computers, the Internet, mobile phones, texting, social networking — all are second nature to members of this group. And their familiarity with technology, reliance on mobile communications, and desire to remain in contact with large networks of family members, friends, and business contacts will transform how we work and how we consume.

The phenomenon of digitization is reaching an inflection point. The effects of an increasingly digitized world are now reaching into every corner of our lives because three forces are powerfully reinforcing one another:

  • Consumer pull: Consumers, and particularly Generation C, are already fully adapted to the digital environment. They naturally expect to be always connected, are willing to share personal data, and are more likely to trust referrals from their closest friends than well-known brands.
  • Technology push: Digital technology continues to expand its influence. The infrastructure backbone of the digital world is bringing affordable broadband to billions of consumers. In parallel, low-cost connected devices are being deployed in every industry, and cloud computing, and the vast information-processing machinery it requires, is developing quickly.
  • Economic benefits: The economic benefits to be captured through digitization are real. A wave of capital has poured into the new digitization technologies and companies, and the public markets reward early movers with unprecedented valuations

WinEvery company in every industry will be dramatically affected by the digitization megatrend, and it will be the responsibility of the top teams to lead the charge by building the right capabilities for their companies to remain relevant in the digitized environment, achieve growth, and fend off competitive threats.

New technology deployments and related investments will add up to more than even the largest and wealthiest enterprises can afford. Trade-offs will be required, and the risks of making the wrong choices will be high. The basis of competition will be set by the companies that embrace and deploy digitization in the right places at the right time.

To not only survive the digitization megatrend but also use it to their advantage, companies need to be clear about their digital strategy and focus on the digital capabilities they are going to build along the value chain.


We help our clients establish a clear perspective on how their current digital capabilities compare to international industry standards. The analysis looks at all dimensions of the business according to your finance status: market challenges, products/services, backend operations, devices. It is based on a catalog of industry-leading capabilities and proficiency-level scales so it provides a benchmark-based, outside-in, candid perspective.

Furthermore, we are engaging to turn your digital strategy into reality. From concept design, rapid prototyping, system specification, supplier selection to project management, product acceptance, initial installation, high quality operating and 24/7 maintenance, we are the reliable interface to manage your global partners and suppliers.